Is It Working? Building Evidence to Inform AI Initiatives

Is It Working? Building Evidence to Inform AI Initiatives

Monday, April 7, 2025 1:30 PM to 2:10 PM · 40 min. (America/Los_Angeles)
Room 2, Exhibit Hall E
K-12Equality & AccessImplementation StrategiesResearch & InnovationEthics & Policy


Teachers, schools, and districts have been piloting and experimenting with AI for the past two years, but a critical question remains: Is it working? As an educator or leader, how would you know? In this session, we’ll dig into different ways to tackle this challenge. We’ll also explore real examples of how districts and schools are currently assessing the impact of new AI initiatives on student learning. Participants will leave with ideas, strategies, and resources that they can immediately put into practice. By architecting an evidence base, educators and leaders will have relevant and actionable data to support and inform the design of current as well as future AI initiatives.
K-12 Systems
AI 101 / Foundations TrackEntrepreneur TrackK-12 Classroom & Administrative LeadersK-12 District/System LeadersAdoption & Procurement Leaders